Cloud for Charities

We can help your charity solve IT problems and provide mini cloud services

Cloud services for charities

Everyone knows that the cloud is one of the biggest innovations in the last ten years, yet with the amount of new technologies emerging, it should be hard to understand how the cloud fits into your business. Cloud hosting has a wealth of benefits for organisations of all sizes, all the way from corporations, to non-profit organisations and local charities. Cloud services allow you to access your files around the world, on a desktop or mobile device without having to spend thousands on maintaining an up to date centre. By storing files online you and your colleagues can collaborate together with ease.

Cloud Service are Ideal for Charities and Non-Profits

  • Cost Effective Solution
      With the cloud you don't need to store files on physical servers, if you're running a charity, your colleagues will be able to log in to access files online.
  • A flexible solution
      Your non-profit or Charity will be able to access documents from anywhere, anytime and any device, this means you'll be able to work on projects with others regardless of their location (Particularly useful if you're an international organisation)
  • Simple
      You don’t need to set up an elaborate physical service to access the cloud, just log in to a cloud hosted desktop and you will have access to your entire network. The hosted desktop is connected to a centralized cloud system that sends data to the cloud so it can be accessed by other computers.
  • Security
      Your software is updated automatically so that you can keep your systems up to date
  • Scalability
      One of the biggest problems with traditional servers is that changes in staff size can be very costly. With cloud services you can upscale and downscale at a moment’s notice. This is particularly convenient if you’ve just finished a large campaign and need to downscale cheaply.
  • Time Saving
      Cloud services enable you to access your documents immediately, you don'tneed to spend time emailing them to different parties. This s doubly true if you are working with images
  • Security
      We have strong security protocols to keep your data from safe malware and other threats. With regular data backups and disaster recovery, we'll make sure your organisation is well prepared against even the most infectious ransomware

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft office 365 for charities is ideal for giving you a subscription based online with access to a range of programmes and services. G suite for charities helps to ensure that your business is ready to meet the demands of the outside world. You can try out cloud services for free for a month with Office 365, so you can test the waters before diving straight in. In addition, cloud services can also help with other aspects of your business like Skype for charity meetings.

Why 1 Simple Cloud?

All you need to do to get started is we transfer your files from your server to the cloud, then viola! Your ready to go! 1 Simple Cloud has a range of expert consultants and technicians on hand to help you move to the cloud. We'll help to assess whether cloud services are right for your charity, and then, out in the work to find the right cloud solution for you, so that you can make a cost-effective transition.